how to feel lonely
1. Never EVER socialize'
2. Sit home, alone, and watch love-movies. Did i mention not to have a boy-/girlfriend?
3. Read through all of your fb-friends statuses about how much they love people, friends as well as boyfriends/girlfriends.
4. Whenever you try to make contact with another person, remember that no one cares about you. It'll probably stop you from making contact, 'cause why would they even bother acting like you existed.
5. No real friends, no internet friends. At all. Oh, and don't think your parents love you, 'cause they don't. They just tell you so because they don't want to hurt your feelings. This is the closest to friendship you'll ever come!
6. No one will ever understand your problems. Mostly because they don't care.
And most important of all.. don't take this post seriously.